The company

The company

Who are we :

LOOPS is an innovative and a dynamic company, offering fun products but first of all USEFUL.

Wernette Vincent, manager of the condom company based in Illkirch, received the « Entrepreneur of the year award » at the Odyssées contest of business creation in 2014. The LOOPS condoms represent the new generation of condoms.

The capsule LOOPS is a modern mean of communication for a large audience with an original packaging it gives a new image from its initial use.


These products are medical devices.


Learn more about the company Phicogis Europe, click here.

The company is a member of the French Federation of Professionals of Communication by the object.

adherent 2fcpo


Our products :

LOOPS capsule condoms :

LOOPS condoms are round-shaped capsules containing a quality condom. Easy to use, they are customizable with your colors and / or your image or logo.

preservatif en capsule

Ear plugs :

The loud music at concerts, festivals and other musical events can damage your ears. We offer simple solutions for hearing protection.

protection bouchon oreille loops

Breathanalyzers :

The breathanalyzer is the legal technical evaluation of alcohol level Mandatory for each vehicle, it is very convenient to test yourself after the parties.
